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Congregants wishing to become members must successfully go through the membership class of the shepherd School and be baptized after which certificate of membership are presented to them in church


Members who wish to be baptized must undergo baptismal classes after which baptism by immersion is done and their baptismal cards presented to them.

Member Responsibilities

  • Offering(Dt.16:16, Ex. 34:20): Come with a good offering in your hand to show your appreciation to God.
  • Tithe(Mal.3:8-10): Tithing is an act of your obedience to God and a guarantee of your continual supply. Every member must be a tithe.
  • Welfare dues: This serves as a means of assistance when a need arises. Please get involved.

Please contact the information desk to have your name put down for this very important Christ ordained ordinance.

Marriage 101

Members who wish to marry must see the resident Bishop after which they will be taken through counselling for three months.

On completion of the counselling, announcement is placed in the Church bulletin for 21 days after which the marriage ceremony can take place.

The Church has a flexible policy towards the form a marriage ceremony may take and so do not hesitate to talk to the resident Bishop about your marriage plans.

Child Naming

Children are a gift from God and add to the numbers in the Church. Members can use the church auditorium for the naming ceremony of their children. Please see the church administrator for further details.

Child Dedication: Babies and children are dedicated to the Lord by the Resident Bishop and Snr. Bishop. Both parents of the child must be present. For processing, please see Mrs. Paulina Smart –Abbey or Mrs. Faith Annih.


Bereaved members are to notify the church administrator for announcements to be placed.

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